First of all let me clear up the air and set things in context. I object to the abuse that Twitter users heaped on Shruti Seth. It is abusive, cowardly, rather bastardly, cheap mentality. A much better response would have been to heap facts about what Narendra Modi has done to support Girls related reforms and change in mentality. However, I have certain differences with Shruti. Mind you, I say differences and not arguments. It is perfectly valid to have a different opinion about things. 1.) #SelfieWithDaughter was started by a Haryana based sarpanch named Sunil Jaglan and not Narendra Modi. Narendra Modi supported the initiative, so that it can gather more support and have more impact. That I believe is something that should be applauded. To take note of an initiative and align yourself and his office towards it helped the cause gather more public attention. “But the selfies that are pouring into my Whatsapp account remind me. It’s amazing what can happen a political leader backs a sincere idea,” says Jaglan. If this is what happens, should we praise it for once without war-mongering? But as it is said "Haters gonna hate.". 2.) We live in a social world. We are more available on social networks, I track more of my friends via their posts, rather than talking to them face to face. Even though I myself avoid selfies, but selfies have become the in thing in today's click crazy world. Even Shruti must have done it. So what if Narendra Modi does it? We had a former prime-minister who never used to talk, let alone be social network savvy. Is there any law that stops Modi from clicking selfies? If he is famous for it, it causes no one any harm or hurt. Quite frankly, he does it simply because he can and he wants to. Period. Sorry to say this, but be ready to take it when you dish it out. Calling people names like #SelfieObsessed is the first step to get trolled. I am not supporting the abuse being dished out. But it has been known for ages that social sites have no means of stopping abuse. People will dish out abuse. If you can write an open letter to Modi, might as well you should have done it at the first time. Nowadays, it has become the norm to oppose whatever the PM does. I am not sure whether you jumped onto that bandwagon or you genuinely felt so. Whatever be your intention, you had the right to mention your opinion, but I truly believe you should have avoided name calling. 3.) Lastly, you have mentioned the following in your letter- "So here's the thing. What is the point of taking selfies with your girls when you’re also responsible for creating the most toxic environment for them to grow up in? How will taking a photograph nullify the misogyny and patriarchy that is so deeply entrenched in our society? Why bother to increase the number of girls being born when you choose to treat them with such indignity and disrespect?" You cannot nullify the "misogyny and patriarchy so deeply entrenched in our society" with an open letter. It simply won't, because you cannot change the mindset of our society overnight. Your open letter won't make a dent, but yes, it has caused a stir in the ocean, it has brought forth the ill-rooted issues that we all conveniently choose to ignore. Simply because that is the way we have grown up or that is the way we have seen it around us. Kudos to you for raising voice over the issue. And in the same vein, don't you think that Modi deserves Kudos for his initiative too? Even he knows that a change in mindset is not gonna happen overnight. But just like your letter, it is an eye-opener. To bring forth a topic of utmost importance, that of gender inequality. It is a message, to get people talking about the issue and create enough social awareness that slowly that mindset change happens. I think I understand why he did and much support and thanks to him for that. I am not sure whether my comments would be liked by people or not. I am not sure whether I would get trolled or not (I am not a big celebrity like you). I am just one of the common folks out there who has an opinion, just like you. But yes, I have an opinion and it is not similar to you.

Posted by Omkar Parab On 1:35 AM 0 comments

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0 Responses "First of all let me clear up the air and set things in context. I object to the abuse that Twitter users heaped on Shruti Seth. It is abusive, cowardly, rather bastardly, cheap mentality. A much better response would have been to heap facts about what Narendra Modi has done to support Girls related reforms and change in mentality. However, I have certain differences with Shruti. Mind you, I say differences and not arguments. It is perfectly valid to have a different opinion about things. 1.) #SelfieWithDaughter was started by a Haryana based sarpanch named Sunil Jaglan and not Narendra Modi. Narendra Modi supported the initiative, so that it can gather more support and have more impact. That I believe is something that should be applauded. To take note of an initiative and align yourself and his office towards it helped the cause gather more public attention. “But the selfies that are pouring into my Whatsapp account remind me. It’s amazing what can happen a political leader backs a sincere idea,” says Jaglan. If this is what happens, should we praise it for once without war-mongering? But as it is said "Haters gonna hate.". 2.) We live in a social world. We are more available on social networks, I track more of my friends via their posts, rather than talking to them face to face. Even though I myself avoid selfies, but selfies have become the in thing in today's click crazy world. Even Shruti must have done it. So what if Narendra Modi does it? We had a former prime-minister who never used to talk, let alone be social network savvy. Is there any law that stops Modi from clicking selfies? If he is famous for it, it causes no one any harm or hurt. Quite frankly, he does it simply because he can and he wants to. Period. Sorry to say this, but be ready to take it when you dish it out. Calling people names like #SelfieObsessed is the first step to get trolled. I am not supporting the abuse being dished out. But it has been known for ages that social sites have no means of stopping abuse. People will dish out abuse. If you can write an open letter to Modi, might as well you should have done it at the first time. Nowadays, it has become the norm to oppose whatever the PM does. I am not sure whether you jumped onto that bandwagon or you genuinely felt so. Whatever be your intention, you had the right to mention your opinion, but I truly believe you should have avoided name calling. 3.) Lastly, you have mentioned the following in your letter- "So here's the thing. What is the point of taking selfies with your girls when you’re also responsible for creating the most toxic environment for them to grow up in? How will taking a photograph nullify the misogyny and patriarchy that is so deeply entrenched in our society? Why bother to increase the number of girls being born when you choose to treat them with such indignity and disrespect?" You cannot nullify the "misogyny and patriarchy so deeply entrenched in our society" with an open letter. It simply won't, because you cannot change the mindset of our society overnight. Your open letter won't make a dent, but yes, it has caused a stir in the ocean, it has brought forth the ill-rooted issues that we all conveniently choose to ignore. Simply because that is the way we have grown up or that is the way we have seen it around us. Kudos to you for raising voice over the issue. And in the same vein, don't you think that Modi deserves Kudos for his initiative too? Even he knows that a change in mindset is not gonna happen overnight. But just like your letter, it is an eye-opener. To bring forth a topic of utmost importance, that of gender inequality. It is a message, to get people talking about the issue and create enough social awareness that slowly that mindset change happens. I think I understand why he did and much support and thanks to him for that. I am not sure whether my comments would be liked by people or not. I am not sure whether I would get trolled or not (I am not a big celebrity like you). I am just one of the common folks out there who has an opinion, just like you. But yes, I have an opinion and it is not similar to you."